
Results For VoIP Listings

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Wikipedia – D-STAR

Provides history and technical details.

Northern California Packet Association (

Amateur packet radio club for northern California area. Contains information on how to join, meeting

Wild Rose Network

Includes information on how to register to access the Gateway, repeater details, application form an

Australian D-Star Information

Includes FAQ, tips, Icom files, photo gallery and repeater maps.

D-STAR Information Site

Dedicated to helping D-STAR users, with basic to detailed technical information. Offers FAQ, list of


Offers a repeater directory, current/last heard activity, repeater directory and forum.

Florida D-Star Information

Contains gateway's and policies information as well as repeater mods and setup notes.

D-STAR General Information – Featu

Features - Icom America - Provides video and FAQ.

Independent Radio Club D-STAR

Provides tips on setting up a radio, manuals, tutorial, and list of members.

CW – MIDI Translation

Text to MIDI conversion software by Rob, KA2BEO. Windows (shareware) and DOS (freeware) versions ava